Tuesday 9 August 2011

London is Burning

My mother and I were discussing the riots in London today.
You really have to wonder what the world is coming to when people start burning local homes and business' for entertainment. This now has nothing to do with someone getting shot, it's just an excuse to loot and burn. I'm extremely ashamed of the people who have taken part in the riots, not only as a citizen of the UK but as a person of both a black and white ethnic background. They are, pardon the pun, fueling the fire for racial stereotyping as the majority of people in the riots were black. I just know this is going to have repercussions, the BNP for example are going to pounce on this.
On the other hand though, we have those amazing people who are joining together for a noble cause, cleaning up the aftermath. I wish I could help, as a person who hopes to live in London someday, I know I would.
Also, the idiocy of other cities following suit is devestating, I hope my city retains its sanity and refrains from joining in. I'm sure we'll stand together.

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